The page of cups represents a willingness to help towards a specific goal. There are hidden talents now being discovered and it is a good time to study and reflect.

The page also represents a youthful person, gentle and loving. This person may need affection, he or she maybe vulnerable emotionally. If this person is a boy he will have feminine traits, if a girl she will be a tomboy. This person is pale, with fair hair and blue eyes.

Reverse meaning. A temporary distraction. A good opportunity for self improvement maybe missed or ignored and your talents are under used. You are perhaps living in a dream world.

The page also represents a flatterer. This person is spoilt and lazy, lacking in direction and willpower. He or she manipulates others.


Upright: Sensitivity, modesty.

Reversed: Dissatisfaction, apathy.


This Your Soul, Your Self. site
owned by MadMary

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