THE PAGES: The pages represent a boy or girl or a young woman. They also represent practical matters, organization and planning. In a reading...

Two: Quarrels between friends.

Three: Good social life, fun and lively parties.

Four: Schools, colleges, universities or groups of young people.


THE KNIGHTS: The knights represent a boy or girl or a young man. They also represent progress and energy. In a reading...

Two: Reunions with old friends.

Three: Small gatherings of men.

Four: Speedy action.


THE QUEENS: The queens represent a mature woman. If the Enquirer is a woman it often refers to them. They also represent feminine qualities. In a reading...

Two: gossip, backstabbing and rivalry.

Three: Helpful female friends.

Four: Small gathering of women. (If any cards are reversed this may be spoilt.)


THE KINGS: The kings represent a mature man. If the Enquirer is male it often refers to them. They also represent masculine qualities. In a reading...

Two: Business partnership.

Three: Powerful and influential men.

Four: High achievements, important affairs and recognition by peers.


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owned by MadMary

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